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Purpose of the procedure

The purpose of the complaint’s procedure is to ensure that;

  • The customer has easy, accessible, straightforward means of making complaints which offer prompt action and swift resolution
  • The customer is confident that their complaint is being dealt with effectively and fairly
  • That Fiveways uses complaints proactively and takes appropriate action to maintain and improve service quality and responsiveness

Our commitment

  • Treat you with respect
  • Tell you what to expect while your complaint is being investigated
  • Carry out the complaint handling process in a fair and open way
  • Provide reasons for decisions that are made

Methods to raise a complaint

Customers can make a complaint using the following methods;

We encourage customers to provide as much information as possible to allow Fiveways to fully investigate the complaint.

Complaints procedure

  • We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint by customers preferred method within three working days
  • We aim to resolve all complaints within five working days. If it is not possible to reach a prompt conclusion, we will contact the customer with an explanation, and set out expected timescales by which matters should be resolved
  • We aim to resolve all our customer complaints internally. If, however, the dispute remains unresolved details should be submitted online at https://bvrla.co.uk/consumer-advice/making-a-complaint-adr.html or by post to: British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association River Lodge, Badminton Court, Amersham, HP7 0DD. The BVRLA will aim to resolve the matter using the information presented by both parties to the dispute. Any information requested from the member should be sent to the BVRLA within five working days. Based on the information available, the BVRLA will provide both parties with its findings and recommendations. The BVRLA aims to resolve complaints through the Dispute Resolution Service within 30 days.

Record keeping

A register of complaints will be kept by Fiveways and contain the below information in accordance with the GDPR regulations;

  • Details of the complainant
  • Date lodged
  • Action taken
  • Date of resolution and reason for decision
  • Indication of complainant being notified of outcome
  • Complaint response and any further action

Copies of all complaints will be kept for seven years.